Company Profile

Company Name 株式会社エネルギーオプティマイザー
English notation Energy Optimizer Inc.
Head office location Orient Akasaka Motoside Building 2F, 1-1-7 Motoakasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0051
telephone number 03-4400-1790 (representative)
Fax number 03-6626-5730
Established March 5, 2008
Capital 20,000,000円(2018年2月現在)
Company representative Representative Director Shusaku Tagawa
Business content
Energy management business
Power consulting business
Power trading business
Power system business
General Counsel Member of the Tokyo Bar Association
Tokyo Seiwa Law Office
Katsuhisa Yamaguchi
Consultant tax accountant 辻・本郷 税理士法人税理士法人 和
Consultant social insurance labor consultant Sato Labor and Social Security Attorney Office
Specified social insurance labor consultant Hirokazu Sato
Judicial scrivener
Administrative scrivener
Kazuki Otsuka Office
Group company Optimizer Inc.
Power Optimizer Inc.(Registered retail electricity supplier: registration number A0211)
others 経産省資源エネルギー庁 (登録小売電気事業者:登録番号A0212)
適格請求書発行事業者登録番号 T7010401087182